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Creativity is born in the shower!

Updated: Jun 1, 2018

I say that creativity is born in the shower. So in theory I am blessed with at least 10 minutes of creativity a day at least, i love a shower!

So why am I creative in the shower?

I suppose it's the element of water refreshing my head and clearing away the cobwebs of doubt and revealing the fresh possibilities of the day.

But it is true that I have been at my most creative whilst just standing there letting the powerful streams of water create a white noise within my head. It actually gives me an extreme sense of logic that also helps me solve problems too!

So in basic form: (Shower + Water) x (Creativity + Logic) = Possibility

How many people do you share your shower with?

I once had an amazingly supportive and inspiring coach called Charly, and she once posed this question to me " How many people do you share your shower with?"

I was actually shocked at first! And I said.... "well just me!" in a confused awkward stumble!

She replied smirking; "Are you sure??"

Now unless I am a massive libertine, which i'm not HA! Or I seem to attract spirits from the afterlife to join me, I was pretty sure it's just me singing Stereophonics songs in the amazing acoustics and auto tune my shower provides!

I gave in and said " Literally just me" and she replied, " So all those thoughts that you have whilst your in the shower, nobody else joins you?"

The penny, well shower gel, dropped!

I got it! So obviously it's not physically, but how many people affect our time of actual solitude which for most of us, unless your extremely lucky, is on our own! A time that can be full of possibility, reflection and creativity; and its being hijacked by loads of people!!

How many people do think you share your shower with?

I learnt a valuable lesson, don't let anybody into your shower that you don't want to be there! Be in the moment with yourself and bathe in the Possibilities, the creativity and of course the refreshing rejuvenating water blowing away those cobwebs down the plug hole!

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