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Lets Celebrate! Wait? What are we celebrating?

Lets Celebrate!! So what we celebrating??

We celebrate maybe once a month on average? An anniversary, a birthday or a wedding and it's fun! It's more than fun it's a joyful experience. A time to reflect, appreciate others and be happy!

How do I celebrate more?

What if we could do this not just once a month but everyday? I'm not saying find more friends so you can celebrate a birthday everyday, but what about celebrating the moment!

Celebrating the moment... A mini celebration!

What I actually mean is that we have moments everyday that we can and should celebrate! 

How many people this morning celebrated that the sun was actually out in August? From the Facebook statuses I saw this morning at least 7! People celebrated the sun, albeit a bit sarcastically, but it was a mini celebration, and like any celebration the sun makes us

  • Smile

  • Be happy

  • Reflect on what more can be done today?

  • Be happy in the moment!

What did I celebrate today?

I celebrated that I could help the wife by walking a dog for her this morning, which lead to appreciating the Sun and the peace and quiet of the Pitsford countryside! 

What are you going to celebrate?

So you see, you could celebrate anything, and in fact if you do I can guarantee it will make you happier, reflect and appreciate the little things in life! Be in the moment and celebrate it! 

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